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Student Testimonials
“But the skill I am most grateful for learning this year,* is how to write a thesis statement. In the past, I had learned what it was, but had no knowledge of how to write a good one with the required elements.”1
NV 2014
“I improved in reading comprehension and actually understanding what I was reading because I had many different sources and way* to understand the book, that really helped me. … Mr. Viskanta really seeked* out to help everyone understand everything and make sure no one was lost and I really appreciate that. “1
SA 2014
“This semester I have learned many things. For example, I have learned how to read books by William Shakespeare. … I also learned how to read between the lines. Often times, authors put hidden meanings in their places. Ive* learned to look deep into whatever im reading now instead of just taking everything at face value.”1
TM 2014
“I try to practice mindfulness at the beginning of the class to support my thinking and my quantity* of work. But, I have also use my mindfulness outside of class, when I have to deal with problems at my house.”1
CD 2016
“I really liked the books that we read* they really caught my attention. I also really liked what the stories were about.”1
SC 2016
“What I learned in this class is that I learned to be more patient especially on writing essays which is one of my weaknesses. But I was able to overcome it because I know in myself that I can do it, and because of your help.”1
QA 2016
“One thing I learned in this class is how to start a good paragraph. To start a good paragraph, you need to gather evidence first, then have a topic sentence, and a main idea.”1
VP 2016
“I think learning here was a positive experience since I got to learn new things. … Practicing mindfulness did help because it got me more relaxed at the start of class.”1